The Banner Advancement/Alumni module supports the diverse activities critical to a successful
University advancement program. Day-to-day activities of the alumni and development offices,
such as maintaining comprehensive information about individuals and organizations, tracking
pledges, and recording gifts, are handled through Banner and its forms. Banner also provides the
necessary information for program planning and evaluation. Online processing keeps biographical
and giving records continually updated.The Banner Advancement System receives valuable information on new graduates as well as past and
present students via the Banner Student system.Similarly, financial data from the Banner Advancement system is transferred through an interface to
the Banner Finance system. Payroll deductions from the Banner Human Resources system can be interfaced to create gifts in the Banner Advancement system.
University advancement program. Day-to-day activities of the alumni and development offices,
such as maintaining comprehensive information about individuals and organizations, tracking
pledges, and recording gifts, are handled through Banner and its forms. Banner also provides the
necessary information for program planning and evaluation. Online processing keeps biographical
and giving records continually updated.The Banner Advancement System receives valuable information on new graduates as well as past and
present students via the Banner Student system.Similarly, financial data from the Banner Advancement system is transferred through an interface to
the Banner Finance system. Payroll deductions from the Banner Human Resources system can be interfaced to create gifts in the Banner Advancement system.